Posted On February 29, 2020 /
By François Weber / Posted in therapy
Therapy for high-performers
Introduction To develop an adapted therapy for high-performers and fast decision-makers we assess the differences in locations and dynamics between high-performers and fast decision-makers (HPFD in this article) and therapy. Based on these
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Posted On February 15, 2020 /
By François Weber / Posted in Global issues
Earth is fed up with being mother earth
Earth is fed up with being Mother Earth
In this post, we consider the new role of individual therapy in a rapidly changing world in which questions about the risk of human behavior read more
Posted On February 3, 2020 /
By François Weber / Posted in sleep
Insomnia, when Morpheus breaks up with you…
Insomnia is, apart from some relatively rare cases, not a medical matter. The vast majority of insomnia occurs in healthy people. Insomnia is usually the result of continued worrying, of an overly
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Posted On February 2, 2020 /
By François Weber / Posted in memory
The role of childhood sensations in adult memory functions.
"And I couldn't help but wonder what the hell kind of a homeland this was, what exactly were we fighting for. It may sound strange, but talking to the other soldiers, I
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